DBS Prelims Prepares:
20 Day Preliminary Notices
Mechanics Lien Documents
Notice of Commencement
Lien Releases
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Welcome to DBS Prelims LLC, specializing in preparation of preliminary notices and mechanics liens. We offer fast, efficient, dependable service to our clients, whether we are working for large or small companies. Mechanics lien notices and preliminary notices are prepared quickly for our clients. Clients are kept apprised as to the status of their mechanics lien in a timely and proficient manner.
We have all of the latest computer software and hardware which makes it possible for our office to research, prepare, file your mechanics lien. Mail your notices as required in the state requested as a prerequisite to you enforcing your mechanics lien and/ or bond rights. We also perform the same functions when it comes to actually preparing and recording the mechanics lien, or sending out the required notices at the end of a bonded project to preserve your bond claim. There is not a single price from any competitor for preparation of a preliminary notice that we have not yet beat on a “cost per notice” basis. With our lien notice service, you will be receiving a superior product at the lowest possible cost.